Chapter 1- In this chapter the narrorator is describing all the main charecters, the setting and the charecter's story, how they came together and thier relationships with one another. They had owners, the Hunter family, Elizabeth, the little girl imideately decided that she was the acctual owner of the cat who is frearless and enthousdyastic about everything he does, Bodger is the old, wise dog who is ugly looking but love's atention is 'owened' by the little boy Petter, and Luath is the young atheletic dog who is always faithful to his matser, the father. The Hunter family had to move beause the father got a new job but they can not bring their beloved pets so the father gave them to his good friend John Longridge for the 10 months that they are gone, the animals do not like the change but are faithful to their new temporarory master. I like the setting of the story, it is sort of the tipical setting, a foggy day in the Indian summer situated in Northwest Onterio Canada, but no novel has it. I like the characters even though they can't talk, I think the journey that lies ahead will be very big.
Bodger |
Tao |
Luath |
John Longridge`s house |