Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Incredible Journey

     Chapter 4- In this chapter all the charecters start adapting to their new suroundings, some in a good way and some bad. Luath is starting to grab hold of his instinks and loosening his grip on his training. Even Bodger finds his inerself and finds an Indian tribe and can not help but follow his nose, they gave him food and took care of his wounds, he was where he wanted to be from the start the center of atraction. Tao followed and got some hospitaliy too but Luath, self voted leader, did not join them. Instead he called them and urged them on their incredible journey. Perhapse he thought that they were no help to their journey even though he needed food and rest. The Indians thought that the animals were a sing of  the White Dog of the Ojibways and it was testing them on their hospitality, if they failed they would have bad luck, but if they succeded they would have good luck. I think in this chapter the animals stumbled upon luck but I don't know why Luath wanted to join the other animals? What will happen next?

Luath watching Tao and Bodger in the tribe

The Indian Tribe

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